You have a ‘right of access’ to all the paths featured. You are required to act responsibly in accordance with the Scottish Outdoor Access Code (SOAC).
To acknowledge landowners and farmers co-operation in making these walks possible leave the area as you find it, respect property and take care to stay away from farming and timber operations.
- Please keep dogs under control at all times and on a lead near livestock.
- It is an offence to remove any wild plant without the permission of the landowner. Certain plants are specially protected and it is an offence pick, collect, cut, uproot or destroy these species, even if the landowner agrees.
Respect other people.
Acting with courtesy, consideration and awareness is very important. If you are exercising access rights, make sure that you respect the privacy, safety and livelihoods of those living or working in the outdoors, and the needs of other people enjoying the outdoors. If you are a land manager, respect people’s use of the outdoors and their need for a safe and enjoyable visit.
Care for the environment.
If you are exercising access rights, look after the places you visit and enjoy, and leave the land as you find it. If you are a land manager, help maintain the natural and cultural features which make the outdoors attractive to visit and enjoy.
Take responsibility.
If you are exercising access rights, remember that the outdoors cannot be made risk-free and act with care at all times for your own safety and that of others. If you are a land manager, act with care at all times for people’s safety.